Friday, April 17, 2009

Can PIckup/Seduction tranfer into other parts of my life?

First off I want to explain the meaning of seduction. Most people define and only use the word seduction in a sexual manner, whereas if you look, seduction simply means to entice someone or tempt them. This is the definition that I am meaning.

The simple answer to this question is YES. The skills you learn in pickup can make you more successful in every aspect of your life.

A couple examples of people in the past who have used seduction to move up the social latter are:

Casanova, a man who by all right was not that high on the social latter. But, by the time he passed scores of noble women fought for the chance to be seduced by him. By being so selective it was actually a sign of great beauty and status to be seduced by him in some circles.

Madame Mao started off as a lowly courtesan. By seducing what has been said to be one of the strongest rulers of China, she effectively made herself to be recognized as a woman who obtained more power than any woman in Chinese history.

You could look at any politician from the beginning of history to the modern day president. Kennedy, Mussolini, and even the despicable Hitler, all great at seduction on a large scale. Now, I am not saying that Kennedy is anything like the later two but the tactics of seduction are no different. The difference is in the usage.

Am I saying that you can be the next great world leader. Actually if that is what you want then yes I am.

Take me for example, Yesterday sitting in class my teacher started to speak about handing out business cards, and how important it is to know how to properly approach. She started to say that the first 30 or so times it will be hard and you wont do it right. But if you keep it up and continue to approach anyways you will begin to get it and it will become easier.She began to speak about correct body language, eye contact, vocal projection and tonality. Now this women as far as I know, knows nothing of the community. But everything she spoke about we teach all the time.

I am going into a field that is a predominately female clientele. So being socially intelligent and being able to properly approach and seduce a woman will put more women in my salon. But this goes for almost any business.

Rockstars, if women love them not only will the women buy the albums but men will to to impress the woman. AFC's (Average Frustrated Chump) and PUA's (Pickup Artists) alike do this. Retail and the list goes on and on.

So again my point is, YES, seduction will help in every aspect of you life.

Disclaimer: I spoke mostly to a male audience but I want the women to know that I have worked with women and the tactics are the same with a few minor adjustments.

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