Friday, April 24, 2009

My mid-pickup life crisis

Last night was an eye opener for me. I have posted the good and it's only fair that I post the bad.

I went out last night and was in a great state. I met up with a friend of mine named "Doom". I always love going out with him. He is so much fun and has no problem in approaching anyone. Always a great person to have.

So we hit the patio of this Denver nightclub, where we meet up with a few other PUA's. Great guys all of them always full of information and support. So we immediately jump into sets and just have fun. Now with the first few sets I accidentally pull the attention away from Doom, I know bad winging, still calibrating that.

Then we get to what I see as the best set all night. Two beautiful women that I had alot in common with. We chat for a good long time with heavy kino and ending with a kiss on the check and exchange of numbers, with the set up of a day2.

Here's where things go horribly wrong. After the set leaves I lose state. I start to think thoughts like; "Is this where my PU is going?", "Am I stuck in Denver picking up women here for the rest of my life?". And it really got me out of state.

Afterwards I talk a bit to Doom, Thanks man I owe you. But I heard myself say something I have never said in my 7 years of PU. "Maybe it's time for me to leave the "game". I have had bad days before and anyone who knows me or has read my posts knows how much I love this art and believe truly with every fiber of my being that it can change you into the person you want to be.

I am not sure how but after talking to Doom and a few of my supporters about this "mid-pickup life" crisis I have come to the firm conclusion that this is not the end of what I am going to do. While I am in school I will hone my skills here in Denver. I will fill my social circle with men and women who are like minded and when my schooling ends watch out Europe and the rest of the world. I will have my skills to the point where I want them to be and I will sarge the crap out of all the cities I have ever wanted to visit.

I still don't know what to do or why I was feeling the way I was but I know one thing. Hopefully with the comments I get from the people who read this I can figure it out and the dedication I will have from here on will be well worth the pay off here soon.

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